Step 1
Fill out a Data Request form.
- Report requests are evaluated and processed based on the order they were received and the priority assigned to the report.
- You may receive a request from the report developers to discuss the business process and data needs the report represents to ensure the best possible product.
Step 2
- Keep all requested student data confidential
- Departments requesting data are required to ensure the integrity and security of student data
- Only share the data with authorized school officials
- Store student data only on the 澳门葡京网赌送彩金 Network
- Do not save the data to a USB drive or personal laptops under any circumstances.
- Do not pass along student personally identifiable data to an appropriate third party through email.
Step 3
- Dispose of printed reports containing student data
- Dispose through secure shredding.
- Blugold Central has access to this service if needed.
Note: If student data is used inappropriately or is shared in a manner that places the data at risk, the Registrar reserves the right to discontinue access to the student data. Please consult with the Student Data Systems staff if you have questions regarding the confidentiality of student data.